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Third-party funding and current grant support

Research of our group mainly relies on third-party funding. Over the last 17 years in total 9.745 million Euros have been spent. The table and diagram below show the annually spent funds, subdivided into funding sources.

Funding / Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
DFG 76,862 184,502 121,370 141,476 178,781 196,919 154,190 79,481 79,321 129,750
BMBF 118,215 174,212 245,606 46,383 425,146 234,212
EU 58,641 134,536 27,203 8,454
US, NIH 51,280 3,057
Industry 197,260 337,798 175,812 244,143 189,998 164,740 162,885 370,532 131,077 131,324
Sum 392,337 696,512 542,788 490,643 503,315 440,142 320,132 450,013 635,544 503,740
Funding / Year 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
DFG 210,276 232,971 159,076 86,656 58'699 74'209 68'816 112'609
BMBF 182,395 52,559 55 52,183 149'376 328'560 221'402 310'309
EU 252,122 380,152 345,217 363'899 262'278 152'878 110'957
US, NIH 7,374 851 15,859 3'446 50'830 11'526
Industry 169,434 129,200 100,933 63,574 48'918
Sum 562,105 674,226 641,067 563,489 624'338 715'877 454'622 533'875

Recent and Current Funding ID

Funding agency Title Funding in Euro
DFG Structural studies of Shigella-specific Pathogenicity Factors as a Prerequisite for Rational Drug Design 189,750
DFG Understanding the Binding Characteristics of Aldose Reductase 113,250
DFG Structure-based Design, Synthesis and Crystallographic Characterisation of Aspartyl protease Inhibitors: Target proteins for HIV- and Malaria-infection 132,550
DFG - FO 806 Cross-correlation of Protein Binding Pockets to detect related Binding Epitopes, unexpected Cross-reactivity and Functional Relationships 216,000
DFG Interfering with Intracellular Protein-protein Interactions - Probing Protein Functions with Small Molecules, Perturbance of Enzyme Function by Blocking Dimer Interface Formation: Novel Route to Specific Antibiotics 289,100
CCDC Development of a Scoring Function 28,402
CCDC Studentship on Cambridge Structural Database – Knowledge-based Hot Spot Analysis 106,812
Bayer Schering From Targets to Novel Drugs 50,000
Sanofi Comparison of Binding Pocket using Cavbase to Analyse and Correlate Proteins across Protein Families and Design of Focused Libraries for de novo Design 111,000
Beiersdorf Design of Inhibitors for humane Tyrosinase by Molecular Modeling and Crystallography 126,000
BMBF Fragmentscreening "FragScreen" BioChance Plus, New methods for Experimental and Computational Fragment-based Drug Design 910,876
BMBF Zedira Development of Factor XIIIa - Inhibitors to Prevent Thrombosis 100,000
LOEWE Synmikro Data Mining Methoden zur graphbasierten Analyse von Proteinstrukturdaten, Protein-Ligand & Protein-Protein Interaktionen 132,300
LOEWE Synmikro Development of novel bioinformatics methods for the prediction of protein function and interactions. Experimental validation 168,000
ERC AG Chemogenomic profiling of drug-protein binding by shape, enthalpy/entropy and interaction kinetics 1,754,615
BMBF FKZ Aufbau einer "Beamline zum direkten Fragmentscreening" an Proteinkristallen zur Leitstrukturentwicklung 640,609
DFG 17beta-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Typ 14: Enzymstruktur-basierte Entwicklung von potenten und selektiven Inhibitoren mit Hilfe von Kristallisation und Enzymcharakterisierung 156,500
LOEWE SynChemBio Innovative Synthesechemie für die selektive Modulation biologischer Prozesse - Schwerpunkt S-07 140,000
DFG Durchführung einer Tagung FiMC 25,000
BMBF Zedira Entwicklung von Faktor XIIIa - Inhibitoren zur Thromboprophylaxe - Stufe 2 59,901
GA-Nr. 675555 EU-Projekt AEGIS (Accelerated Early staGe dIScovery – EU-Horizon 2020 “Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks”-Maßnahme 498,432
BMBF Frag4Lead FKZ 05K16RM1 Hochdurchsatz-Kristallographie am Synchrotron: von Fragmenten zu Leitstrukturen Förderzeitraum: 01.07.2016 – 30.06.2019 925,158
DFG KL 1204/23-1 Entwicklung niedermolekularer Inhibitoren und Stabilisatoren der Dimerisierung von tRNA-Guanin Transglykosylase 325,950
BMBF 03EGSHE147 EXIST-Gründerstipendium: smart-soak – Dienstleistungen in der Wirkstoffentwicklung 156,600
LOEWE DRUID Wirkstoffentwicklungen zum Bekämpfen der Virulenzentwicklung des Ruhr-Erregers Shigella 230,400
Total 7,587,205